
Tuesday, February 03, 2009


As you probably know by now--a recording has surfaced of Christian Bale losing his temper on the Terminator Salvation set when DP Shane Hurlbut walked onto the set during filming late last year. has the audio. Click the link to listen WARNING: there' a lot of harsh language throughout....

Some stories about the incident:

**Christian Bale F-Bombs Terminator Set; "It Was Just a Moment ...

**Holy audio tape, Batman! Bale's 'Terminator Salvation' rant released

**Damage Control: Terminator Assistant Director Sticks up for Christian Bale

**Christian Bale's Tirade A 'Non-Event,' 'Terminator' Producer Says...

Folks are even poking fun at the story:

Christian Bale's tirade gets dance makeover....

LOL: More Leaked Audio - Christian Bale vs. Craft Services...

People lose their tempers on movie sets all the time--Remember this one? While CB was a little harsh--its no big deal

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