The suits at Fox told us that the leaked version was an "early and unfinished" work print...
A few days ago the final film's running time clocked in at 107 minutes- the exact same as the leaked version.
When the leak story first broke the studio made a point to say that the final cut ran around 10-15 minutes longer and incorporated reshoot footage not seen in the work print.
Allowing for the possibility for other edits to have occured after the leak (The leak happened some 3 weeks ago and the film was not rated until last week)...That could account for both cuts having the same run time....

A source who has seen both the leaked workprint and the final version tells AICN though:
"The workprint version IS in fact identical to the release print, sans effect and some audio work"
The source says those scenes in the trailer, such as Wolverine carrying his girlfriend to the beach, are not in either version.
What about the visual effects?
"[There's] some really bad CGI work made me groan numerous times... the scene with Stewart looks so much better in the workprint - trying to digitally de-age him did NOT work this time around."
Why did the studio lie about the changes made--or not made? -"FOX is trying their darndest to keep this news from getting out, because it will eliminate most of the motivation for people who have seen the workprint to pay for a ticket."
How could they think that this would not get out?
Now studio suit Tim Rothman claims Wolverine To Have Multiple Secret Endings--trying to blunt any damage days before May 1st...
Conspiracy...Maybe not. But something sure stinks--I say give Roger Friedman his job back--at least he gave the film some positive buzz--amidst chaos...
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