
Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Todd Tells

Spider-Man 4 producer Todd Black talked with The New York Post recently and cleared up a few of those pesky bits regarding the film.

First up, despite hesitant talk it seems that Kirsten Dunst is apparently definitely back for the fourth film--are you sure Mr Black?

Rumors however of a marriage subplot between Peter and Mary Jane are apparently not a part of the story.

The villain however is NOT Morbius, the Living Vampire, despite the online speculation.

Thanks to Twilight--there's already enough vampires on the big screen

So who is the baddie?

Black:"We're just coming up with who the villain's going to be now. We'll be shooting in New York again. Trust me, people will appreciate who we pick, because it'll be a big part of New York."

Black does confirm it won't be a new villain created just for the film, but rather one of the classic foes from the comic.

I vote for the Lizard to be played by Dylan Baker...

"Spider-Man" 4 is set for release on May 6th 2011.

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