Lots of folks are talking about their movie projects this week....A new website launched to tease ya till an eagerly awaited film opens in Dec..And a director ha a new top grossing film in his filmography.
X-Men films franchise producer Lauren
Shuler Donner told
Slashfilm that there was no truth to a claim (later rescinded) by actor
Tim Pocock via his Twitter feed that the "
X-Men: First Class" film was moving forward shortly.
Donner said 'First Class' has no scheduled start date and no actors have signed contracts to appear in the film however the various cast members who played the young mutants in
X-Men Origins: Wolverine were
'under option'.
Donner also revealed that early plans have been considered for a fourth
X-Men film but the idea has yet to be pitched to the studio...
Deadpool creator,
comic artist
Rob Liefeld says via
Twitter that the
Deadpool film is gonna happen
Ryan Reynolds is still gonna play Wade! Liefeld also promises the movie will include "
breaking the fourth wall! Loads of killing!"
*Asked by
MTV about helming
X-Men Origins: Magneto X-Men Origins: Wolverine director
Gavin Hood told 'em "
Absolutely, if I was asked I’d take an interest. But the truth is I haven’t been asked and I think that the studio right now is waiting to see how we do with the DVDs, and who knows where we’ll all be if and when a Wolverine 2 script is ready"...
Michael Sheen told the
IRSB gang that he's heard the rumors but hasn't been approached to appear in
Underworld 4- "..
.nobody has actually spoken to me about it, so I don't know. Maybe it is going to take place without me. I'm not sure"...
Coca-Cola Zero launched a brand new viral
website for
James Cameron's
Quentin Tarantino's "
Inglourious Basterds" is now the film-maker's highest grossing film ever.
The film has grossed over $108 million in North American box office receipts since its initial release on August 21st...Get
full details...
Howard Berger from
KNB Effects tells
Moviehole that
Predators will follow the
1987 film's creature design:
We wanted to have the Predator look as it did in the original film. We went back and looked at the original. I actually worked in the shop with Stan Winston on the first film. It was great to be able to go back to the series having not been involved in any of the sequels, and it was also great to be able to make sure we built them as Stan Winston did".
Sir Ian McKellen talked with
Rotten Tomatoes he's looking forward to getting to play Gandalf's earlier pre-death incarnation again in "
The Hobbit".
Grey Gandalf is my favorite. Peter Jackson's too, we always preferred Gandalf the Grey. Peter liked him because he got down and dirty. He slept in the hedgerows; he was closer to the earth and not quite so spiritual. He's also funnier -- he's got more variety to him. We thought there was more scope in that Gandalf."
Zombieland (due in theaters this Friday October 2nd) co-writer
Rhett Reese told
STYD that the late
Patrick Swayze was going to have a cameo role in the horror-comedy before he was diagnosed with cancer. Swayze unfortunately had to bow out...
Reese and writing partner
Paul Wernick have turned in drafts of a
Venom script. Wernick told
SCI FI Wire in an exclusive interview “
We’ve written two drafts of Venom, and the studio has it, and they’re pushing forward in whatever ways they push forward"