
Monday, January 04, 2010

Orphanage Gets A New Owner

Plans for an English-language remake of The Orphanage have been around since its release in 2007.

Things are finally moved ahead again today with word that Mark Pellington (U2 3D The Mothman Prophecies, Arlington Road is set to direct the remake of supernatural thriller says Variety.

Juan Antonio Bayona’s "El Orfanato" followed a woman who takes over the orphanage where she was raised, to open a home for disabled children. Then her young son begins to play with the same imaginary friend who terrorized her when she was a child.

Like the Spanish version, Guillermo del Toro is set to produce with a new script by Larry Fessenden--who was previously attached to direct the film until disagreements over casting occurred.

Pellington's track record is spotty at best...Maybe those in charge here know something I don't...

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