
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

America's Best

Ah casting the lead in The First Avenger: Captain America.must be fun for director Joe Johnston...Dane Cook even Might be Captain America? Probably Not--But it's out there nonetheless...

Here's the latest

Fox 411 confirmed an old Cinematical scoop that it is "very likely" that The Office star John Krasinski would be the new Steve Rogers as "he is a favorite among the key decision makers and has been asked to come back for more this week".

Krasinski has already read for the role four times and screen tested twice with potential co-stars up for the female leads to ensure chemistry.

Not so fast...

Later both Deadline New York and Heat Vision both said that Marvel expanded its search while at the same time cutting down on the original candidates list which apparently does not include Krasinski in the new short list.

The new list of possibilities

1.Chris Evans

Evans is more Marvel's choice than director Johnston who is high on Krasinski, so ultimately its one of the others that'll probably be selected as a compromise. Evans has read for the part and will likely test for it next week He's already got comic book pics Fantastic Four and Rise of the Silver Surfer for the studio on his resume...

2. Garrett Hedlund

On the original list of 6 he hasn't tested yet due to scheduling, Hedlund is still in contention but his reps are apparently not very keen on the paltry nine-film, $300,000 per film deal on offer..

Considering the excitement for Tron Legacy getting the star to be before he hits it really big could be a smart nove

3. Mike Vogel (Cloverfield)

30-year-old Vogel has that classic all-American boy look--'America' might give him that mega stardom chance and while he's had plenty of experience in blockbusters, he's not yet culturally identified with a character (unlike Evans)

4.Wilson Bethel (TV Soap Star Mini-Series "Generation Kill")

A very recent addition and a real unknown quantity, 26-year-old Bethel has only one film credit to his name - the highly-panned 2008 direct-to-DVD title Tunnel Rats

He'd be an unexpected choice here, but I think they should go the more unknown route anyway at this point.

A decision either way was due to break by last week, but it's now looking to be dragged out well into next week.

Filming is still on track to begin in June.

Stay Tuned...

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