
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Glee-The Movie Trilogy

Cover your ears because a large portion of my family is about squeal with delight... reports that all the major cast of the hit TV series "Glee" are signed up to do as many as three potential films....

The site claims there's a three-film option clause in the contracts that the various actors signed prior to shooting the "Glee" Pilot

"[The actor] hereby grants [the studio] three exclusive, irrevocable options to engage [the actor] in up to, respectively, three feature length motion pictures"

While not confirmed the news isn't a big surprise given its ratings--Still a film adaptation is a long way off folks---with the cast locked in for at least two more full seasons.

I know I'm gonna get slaughtered for saying this by said family members...But my reaction is... meh...Never seen the show...

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