
Monday, June 21, 2010

The Shire District

Peter Jackson wants Neill Blomkamp to take over the directing duties on The Hobbit: Part 1 and The Hobbit: Part 2 says TheOneRing

Since Guillermo del Toro's exit, various names have been mentioned (like shiver!! Brett Ratner) as candidates with Jackson himself indicating that if no-one else can be secured, he would take on the job.

His choice of Blomkamp though isn't a major surprise, the pair worked closely together on "District 9" that Blomkamp directed and Jackson produced.

The hiring would mean Jackson would likely have more creative control than if a more seasones director stepped in

"District 9" demonstrated the new filmmaker's strong talent and skill working within a budget. and given the money woes of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios that's a good thing

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