
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Spontaneous Combustion

I just got word that Jason Mayer's thriller The Pendant (trailer) is completed! Yea!

The team (Jay and writer Deven Lobascio) have also been busy in the last few weeks securing theaters in NJ to show their film next month...Not only that--they have also been granted submission to the
2010 Oklahoma Horror Film Festival--which if all goes well means a nice plane ride at least.

They are also hoping to take the film on the roads of NJ in the early Fall but nothing has been confirmed yet...Saying any more on that is very premature right now--But they are optimistic...

If you want to keep up with the film's launch be sure to follow it on Twitter @thependant including where you'll be able to see well as info on other events associated with the film.....

To celebrate this event I will be publihing special posts devoted to the film--the week leading up to the premiere next month! I will have more on that soon....

Before time gets away from me--I want to personally congratulate Jay and Deven on what they have been able to accomplish thus far...No easy feat...Making movies big or small is a marathon--not a sprint. And no matter what happens next--succeed or not you should know that you have the support of this blog and more importantly it's author...

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