
Monday, July 19, 2010

Sweet Dreams

Here now is Jason Mayer's review of Inception

When I was younger my Dad got me into a lot of random type movies.Stargate Pacific Heights, The Pelican Brief. A lot of great movies, that today, not a lot of kids my age have even heard of those movies.

I remember my Dad buying this movie called Memento. I tried to watch it and watch it, but nothing. I couldn’t really get into it. It was made by a guy,Christopher Nolan

Batman Begins came out and it was this Christopher Nolan guy again. Great movie!

The Prestige came out by Nolan and once again, great movie. The Dark Knight came out a few years later and we all know how great that movie was.

[Over the weekend] I saw Inception and that was…an...AMAZING movie!

I really wasn’t big on Christopher Nolan’s earlier work but throughout the years the dude has progressed and got real good at what he does. I’m still in awe.... The whole 2 hours and 28 minutes keeps you on your seat staring at the screen. I even thought my girlfriend was going to fall asleep, because it was a midnight show. She was wide awake the whole time.

In the beginning of the movie we open to a mystery but you pay attention and it takes you on this drive that teaches you Nolan’s vision for dreams. I’ll never get hardcore into reviewing a movie because I would rather have someone else judge that.

All I have to say is that this is probably my favorite movie so far of 2010. Also on the list is Frozen, Toy Story 3 and Cop Out What will make number 5 on the list this year?

Leonardo DiCaprio's performance was one of his best work, hands down. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is my favorite throughout the movie. He’s been my favorite actor for such a long time. His performance in Mysterious Skin sold me on the guy.

If Nolan was to bring back Joker in his 3rd leg of the rebooted Batman series, I would have Joseph Gordon Levitt for Heath Ledger's Joker. Any way…

So in the long run my father who passed away in 2005 got me into these movies back in the day to mentally prep my mind for movies of today. Movies that I know he would highly appreciate.

From visual effects, to acting, to directing, to end credits, amazing movie. It’s kind of hard to believe that a big budget summer blockbuster can actually be good. There is hope in film-making even if there was no 3-D involved…Thank God. So go out and go see INCEPTION-Christopher Nolan’s best work to date.


Thanks Jay! Meantime--His movie The Pendant (trailer) is almost done...Are You Ready? No? Well You Had Better Be...

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