
Monday, August 09, 2010

Pandora's Book

Speaking with MTV News, helmer James Cameron says he's working on the Avatar sequel, but right now his attention is on the pages of Pandora

"Avatar 2... we're still working on deals. We don't start the movie until we get the deals worked out. I'm making notes. I'm not sitting idle... But really, what I'm working on primarily is the novel"

Cameron held back on releasing an "Avatar" novel tie-in for a very specific reason "I didn't want to do a cheesy novelization, where some hack comes in and kind of makes s--t up. I wanted to do something that was a legitimate novel that was inside the characters' heads and didn't have the wrong culture stuff, the wrong language stuff, all that."

There's also talk of doing the next two "Avatar" films back-to-back:- "...There's not a decision yet. That is something that makes a lot of sense, given the nature of these productions, because we can bank all the [motion] capture and then go back and do cameras over a period of time."

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