
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

True Blu?

The Star Wars film saga gets its release on high-definition Blu-Ray next Fall reports

The set will feature all six live-action Star Wars feature films along with extensive special features including never before deleted scenes. While the picture is being digitally presented in the highest quality, the press release doesn't reveal what version(s) of the original trilogy we'll be seeing - original cut, special editions, or special editions with even more alterations.

Great news yeah yeah...Can't wait to buy my FINAL COPY of The famed Sci-fi sixtet in any format...There I said it!!....

The announcement took place in Orlando over the weekend during an interview with George Lucas. at SW celebration V where one of the deleted scenes from "Return of the Jedi" was screened--in which Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) completes the construction of his lightsaber in a cave on Tattooine

A bootleg of that scene soon leaked online...Except the problem is....

Geeks Of Doom has uncovered a 2009 video interview with Hamilli in which he says "I never shot a scene like that."

More CGI trickery from Uncle George to hype the umpteen release of the movies...?!!

Nah! He wouldn't create something from nothing RIGHT???

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