
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Now Serving Corndogs

Continuing to celebrate the Thursday launch of Jason Mayer's thriller The Pendant (trailer) on TLR...

Today's post gives out more info on the event and I offer up some Unsolicited Advice to Deven and Jay--(Oh I'm sure they'll LOVE that!!)

First-Plans are in place for me to attend the premiere...However--there is one wrinkle--If you follow the
TheLastReel on Twitter--you may have seen the following Tweet time stamped An old Injury to my arm is really acting up today--Not sure how much more posting I can do today--Time 2 call my Dr--Not quite yet!

Well it's not gotten better--seeing a DR on Wed to determine my next move--and I'm hoping it's a simple fix....My concern is that it may have to be immobilized or worse pain meds administered--In the case of the latter I would be reluctant to show up all loopy While this might be would not be good folks--Thinking the BEST and planning to be there that's the goal....

So much for being a "private guy"...

--Did you know that The Pendant has a Direct Connection to both American Idol and M. Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender? You didn't? Well You do now....!!

Lastly-To Deven and Jay-As the BIG date FAST approaches--if you will indulge me....and sounding awfully corny....

Remember: Take in every moment--Enjoy whatever comes--Because while I'm sure there will be other Premieres --Down The Road--This is the first one and it should be treated like the special event that it is--This Moment Will NEVER Come Again...Savor It

Tomorrow Jay takes over the blog again to review Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World....

Also Don't forget: It's a return to WDBK 91.5 FM at 10 AM today...

Tune In And Stay Tuned...!

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