
Monday, November 01, 2010

Fade To White

Deadline reports that Leonardo DiCaprio is set to play H. H. Holmes in an adaptation of The Devil In The White City

Erik Larson’s non-fiction book tells the story of a serial killer who terrorized Chicago’s 1893 World's Fair. Before his death in 1896, Holmes admitted to a number of murders. His charm helped bring countless women into what he called The World’s Fair Hotel – eventually known as the murder castle. The exact total for his victim count has varied from 27 to 200 since then.

Leo's never really played a true baddie before--this should be fun to watch with the right director calling action  Is Martin Scorsese gonna be free by the time filming is ready to start?

DiCaprio Jennifer Killoran Michael Shamberg and Stacey Sher will produce the pic 

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