
Monday, November 01, 2010

Tin Echoes

Empire is showing off the first photos from The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn as well as excerpts from their upcoming interview with director Steven Spielberg and producer Peter Jackson

In the film--audiences will see Tintin's (Jamie Bell) first encounter with Captain Haddock (Andy Serkis) and the discovery of a clue to the treasure of his ancestor Sir Francis Haddock. They set out to find it with protection from a prison escapee who tried to get the treasure as well as Detectives Thomson (Nick Frost) and Thompson (Simon Pegg).

Daniel Craig is starring as the nefarious Red Rackham.
Asked about opting for mo-cap animation over live-action, Jackson says "With live action... you'd be casting people to look like them. It’s not really going to feel like the Tintin Hergé drew... With CGI we can bring Hergé’s world to life, keep the stylised caricatured faces, keep everything looking like Hergé’s artwork, but make it photo-real.

The biggest changes from the books happen at the begining of the pic

Spielberg says “The first part of the film, which is the most mysterious part, certainly owes much to not only film noir but the whole German Brechtian theatre — some of our night scenes and our action scenes are very contrasty. But at the same time the movie is a hell of an adventure.

 Jackson may use "The Seven Crystal Balls" & "Prisoners of the Sun" two-part story for the sequel, but could use other books...I think it’s a terrific setting for a thriller, the weird Balkan politics and the mysterious secret service agents. I think the 'Moon' ones are terrific, but they’d be good for the third or fourth Tintin film, if we get that far. We want to keep his feet on the ground just a little bit longer.”

The first movie will hit theaters on December 28th 2011.

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