-Entertainment Weekly picked up a fan site rumor claims the storyline for the film will use Doug Moench's five-issue tale Prey!!
The unofficial follow up to Frank Miller's Batman: Year One (which influenced Batman Begins and The Dark Knight) sees Police Commissioner Gordon attempt to maintain his relationship with Batman even as he's heading up a special task force dedicated to capturing him, a task force setup by the Mayor at the request of a deranged police psychiatrist named Doctor Hugo Strange (rumored to be played by Tom Hardy). Strange deduces Batman's identity and plays psychologically with him, eventually planning to kill him and take on the Batman identity for himself. Catwoman also figures into the story.
If true wow....!! One of my favorite tales back when I was reading comics on a regular basis was Prey and the story line fits nicely considering the end of TDK
- One of the key villains of George Miller's aborted Justice League: Mortal was Talia al Ghul, daughter of Ra's al Ghul and love interest of Bruce Wayne who later bears his child in the comics.
Teresa Palmer was set to play the role.
Movieweb chatted it up with Palmer recently and asked if she'd been in contact with Nolan's people about potentially playing the part in 'Rises'.
"I've definitely put the feelers out there with my agents and that would be something I would be really glad to have happen. I doubt I would be one of the actresses high up on Nolan's list... we'll see who ends up doing that role. My managers made the phone calls but I'm pretty sure that they will end up going with a big name girl."
Folks on the Web think Palmer essentially confirmed the character will appear in the film, even though that hasn't been made official yet
Casting notices indicate there are two key female roles in the movie, one of them a villain, but what those roles are is pure conjecture- Catwoman, Talia, a love interest for Gordon or Wayne have all made the rounds
Finally. star Christian Bale was asked by Screen Junkies for his opinion of the film's title.
Bale admitted he didn't know the title and when told said "I don’t even know if that’s true...until Chris tells me, I don’t know."
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