
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bring Up The House Lights

32 years ago today moviegoers heard composer John Williams' rousing theme for Richard Donner's Superman The Movie for the first time--during one of the most memorable credit sequences in all of cinema...

Here Williams conducts Boston Pops--during a 2007 concert--playing the now legendary March....

I remember the first time I saw STM on the big screen Like It Was Yesterday..and a would be filmmaker was born.

Today is also noteworthy for another reason... it's the Birthday of a real filmmaker and friend Jason Mayer! I would sing Happy Birthday But then I would have to pay royalties since the Tune is not in the Public Domain So instead I Shall Simply Say: When You Make Your Wish--Make it a good one....All the Best Down the Road Jay! You can follow Jay's progress with his latest flick via Twitter @. I will also be talking more about the film as well--A LOT!!!! GET READY!!

After the holidays I will also be talking about what happens when I get a chance to see the Red Epic 3-D Digital Camera in action soon too So jazzed folks!!!!

And finally Remember Folks I'll be taking some Time Off from TLR-after today-until the start of 2011--(I might still post during this brief intermission if something strikes me--or news happens that begs comment-Box Office?) For those of you that follow this Blog on Twitter @ the account will stay active during my down time catching all of the cinema news--SO FOLLOW ME ALREADY WILL YA!

Thanks so very much for all of your support! Means a lot!

Take Care And Be Well Until Next Time....Watch some movies while I'm gone...

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