
Saturday, May 21, 2011

DA: Maleficent Or Moses?

Bad Ass Digest reports Disney wants Darren Aronofsky  to helm Maleficent, the live-action feature based on the villain from the 1959 animated film "Sleeping Beauty"

That film sees the fairy tale from the evil witch's (Angelina Jolie who at this point is still attached.) point of view, was going be helmed by Tim Burton until he dropped out last week. 

David Yates,, who helmed the last four films in the Harry Potter series is another potential director on the pic.

But Hold On A Sec...

The suits @ Warner Bros. want DA  to direct its new biblical drama "Moses". That film will tell the tale of the biblical character in his attempt to lead the Isrealites out of Egypt.

Dan Lin is producing that pic.

Aronofsky left the director's chair on The Wolverine some time ago and folks are wondering what's next...If he were to ask for my gut feeling.. Take Maleficent and leave "Mo" to someone else....

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