
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Red Alert For A Warp Core Breach?

Given that J.J. Abrams Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci are waiting until after the June 10th opening of Super 8 to start working in earnest on the as yet Untitled Star Trek Sequel Deadline asks"Can ‘Star Trek 2′ Morph From 70-Page Outline To Summer Tent Pole In 13 Months?"

The anticipated follow-up to the rebooted Star Trek of '09 has a release date of  June 29th 2012 right now and Abrams is said to be "close" to announcing an official return to the Big Chair as director. The Trek trio will be working from a 70 page outline for the screenplay.

Is that enough time? Or will the Summer date get pushed back to accommodate a holiday release instead?

Paramount suits are now said to be mulling over that six month delay, or perhaps even pushing the film to May 2013.

You may recall that the reverse move was made on Trek '09 The film went from a Holiday date to a the Summer bow--But that decision came after the film wrapped--and done to cash in on the blockbuster dollars.

I said a few days ago that I thought that the team was further along than any of us knew-I say that they can get it done if my theory is true...if not....a delay is not only going to occur but called for....But why wait to make a delay official in that case?  Stay Tuned

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