
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Riddick Works For Scale

Vin Diesel took to his Facebook page, to update the status of an R-rated as yet Untitled Chronicles of Riddick Sequel-now in the pipeline..

Diesel says that that the movie has been given the green light on the condition that he lower his asking salary...

Diesel says:

"[David Twohy] the writer/director just landed in New York with the good news. We can start filming this summer. However, there is a catch... In order for us to make a true R-rated film, I must work for scale upfront. Money is always second to art, integrity and spirit, but the real issue is deeper. Can I suspend my life, to momentarily venture to that dark place called Riddick?"

The actor earned $15 million for Fast Five

He later added "I am off to another meeting with see concept art and discuss the potential schedule."

Diesel played ant-hero Richard B. Riddick in 2000's cult hit Pitch Black and in the not so great 2004 follow up The Chronicles of Riddick

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