
Monday, October 17, 2011

Down The Road Dayz: A 50/50 Shot...

As part of the ceebration leading up to Thuursday's NJ screening of Jason Christopher's new horror thriller Down the Road (Click here and here to watch the trailers)--I asked the director to check out the dram-com 50/50 on my behalf...

I've been waiting for this flick for some time now. I'm a huge fan of Seth Rogen and finally Joseph Gordon-Levitt (JGL) is getting into some more bigger known movies. And I must say this is probably one of my favorite movies of 2011.

I went into this flick knowing that cancer would be used in a comedic way. A lot of people I talked to about this movie totally were against the movie because of that fact. But I mean making a movie with a serious condition as an outlook for something funny is always good to me. Mainly because you need to make the best out of life. For the fact that the movie is based on true events makes it even more okay to say, "okay, I'll go check this movie out."

We're introduced to a unique character the first few minutes of the movie, Adam (JGL). He waits for the light to turn green when he's jogging as others pass him and he's pretty cautious. When he makes his way to the doctors and they tell him that he has cancer, he's kind of blown away. His best friend Kyle (Rogen) is equally devastated but tries to make the best of the situation. As in taking him to bars and convincing girls that he has cancer just so they would sleep with him. Adam doesn't really approve of this but he goes with the flow.

In the midst of the ups and downs of chemotherapy Adam meets Alan played by the amazing Philip Baker Hall. Alan, an older guy, keeps Adam positive and tries to stay focused with his life and not making him get depressed. Adam starts seeing a new councilor. Katherine, played by the sweet Anna Kendrick. She's young and new at trying to help soften the blow as well with such an this. She's not the best at it.

Rogen really makes this movie amazingly hilarious. But the chemistry between JGL and Rogen is beyond one of the best buddy on buddy characters I've seen in a movie in a long time. They really balance each other out. There's this one scene where Rogen straight up bashes on JGL's character's ex-girlfriend straight to her face and in the theater I couldn't help but laugh for a straight couple minutes.

The movie almost brought me to tears but every time I would like feel myself about to...Rogen's character comes out with a great joke. Definitely a movie worth seeing!

I was in a movie store after seeing the flick and saw that pre-order is already available so I'm assuming you can catch it soon out on Blu-ray. It's an indie flick that's not an indie flick. By that I mean that it's shot as a great indie movie but has the production value of a budget it had.

Go check out 50/50!


Tomorrow Down The Road Hits The Stockton College Campus and WLFR 91.7 Radio!!!

More DTR Stuff To Come This Week,,,

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