
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Trek 2: Abrams Talks Del Toro & Giacchino Returns

J.J. Abrams has confirmed the 3-week old chatter to MTV News about Benicio Del Toro as the villain in the as yet Untitled Star Trek Sequel but it's still not a sure thing.

"Well, we're just in negotiations, we're in discussions. It's not even negotiations, just in discussion. But I would love to work with him. I've wanted to work with him for years, and this felt like a good opportunity."

Whatever happens I'm still hoping that writers Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof did not put Khan Noonien Singh in the script save for perhaps a passing mention

Meantime composer Michael Giacchino's confirmed to Coming Soon that he'll be returning to do the film's score.

Production starts mid-January; The sequel will open on May 17th 2013 and is being shot in 3-D

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