
Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Sandy's Natural Look For Gravity

While chatting with  USA Today actress Sandra Bullock spoke about her work in "Children of Men" director Alfonso Cuaron's new sci-fi thriller "Gravity".

The film follows two astronauts left alive after an exploding satellite kills the other crew aboard their space station, setting off a desperate race home for the latter to get to her child

Bullock says that in the name of authenticity, Cuaron shot the film without any of the characters in any make-up:

"God help us all when my face comes rushing at you with no makeup on. I'm going to apologize now, but Alfonso, in a brilliant move, said, 'No makeup.' Our vain little heads are going to be some massive 17-foot image. You are going to see details because it's shot on this digital film that shows everything. It's so scary. There are scenes where you say, 'This is where you have to let go and let God.' And, thank God, there are no nude scenes."

Bullock stars alongside George Clooney in the film

Cuaron also co-wrote the script with his son Jonás

An early cut has already been screened by the studio, as post-production remains continues with a November 21st 2012 release eyed.

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