
Monday, February 06, 2012

Webb Talks Spidey

Director Marc Webb was interviewed for the annual Comic-Con magazine (via Latino Review) talking about The Amazing Spider-Man and how the fans should not think the reboot is tied to Sam Raimi's still fresh in our minds Spider-Man Trilogy in any way...

"It's really important for us to be able to communicate that this isn't a remake of Sam Raimi's movie. There's a new territory, there's a new villain, it's a different Peter Parker," said Webb.

Spidey's trademark wisecracking ways will be in the film though amidst the darker stuff

"There's this trickster quality we were very keen on exploring, with that humor and that fun and that wisecracking stuff. We wanted to keep that alive, but we wanted it to be realistic. We wanted that humor to come from a real place. My aim was to create a world where you could feel all those emotions. There are certainly darker, more intense feelings in this movie. There is betrayal, there is tragedy, but there's also humor and romance. So it's a very complex bouquet of emotions, but what you have to tread on is what feels authentic and what feels real, and you have to earn those different emotions. There are moments of furiousness and gravity, absolutely. But are there moments of humor and levity and whimsy? Absolutely."

Andrew Garfield Rhys Ifans, Martin Sheen Chris Zylka Emma Stone Denis Leary and Sally Field star.

The script penned by James Vanderbilt and Alvin Sargent sees the wall crawler take on the Lizard (Ifans)

Avi Arad and Matthew Tolmach produced.

The sequel arrives in 2014

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