
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

31 Days Of Horror Day 17: Carrie (1976)

Director Jason Christopher hopes that nobody laughs at him as he talks about the original version of Carrie directed by Brian De Palma in 1976 as this special month long event celebrating horror gets its supply of pig's blood ready!

Since the teaser trailer for the remake came out, I figured I’d pop in the classic. I guess you can say this flick launched Sissy Spacek’s career. Better yet, it had PJ Soles in it. Before Soles was known for her breast shot in Halloween. This is PJ Soles at her finest, ya know…throwing tampons at an innocent girl. And of course-one of the best by Brian De Palma killing it in the director’s chair.

Spacek plays Carrie, a tortured high-school misfit with no confidence, no friends…and no idea about the of powers of telekinesis that she possesses. Soon her psychotic mother and sadistic classmates finally push too far, soon and the shy teen becomes a vengeance-seeking powerhouse who causes all hell to break loose at the prom.

A young John Travolta comes up with the brilliant pigs blood idea in this flick.

This 1976 horror movie is adapted from the Stephen King’s novel and started a ton of people’s careers. I want to know how much money Stephen King has. That dude sold the film rights to his books a thousand different times and 90% of those films are all classic movies.

So who checked out the remakes teaser trailer that just launched yesterday? It looks okay, I guess. Chloe Grace Moretz is an amazing actress and I think she’ll kill the role. Also, having Julianne Moore on board playing the mother, I think that’ll be awesome. Love me some Julianne Moore.

What really blew me away last night was the leaked trailer for the Evil Dead remake! That looks really damn good. Pretty excited for that! Time wull tell if some idiot will say it looks like a rip off of Cabin In The Woods, ha!

Back to business…if you haven’t seen the original Carrie, definitely do so. It’s a classic horror film that people of my generation should check it out before the new one comes out. Enjoy it.

14 days till Halloween.


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