
Monday, November 05, 2012

Skyfall's Windfall (So Far)

Skyfall--thr latest James Bond adventure will open this Friday in the U.S. It's already a certified hit everywhere else.

In just ten days of release in forieign markets, many of which only debuted the film this past Friday, the newest Bond has taken in a whopping $287 million. $157 million of which was tallied in the last three days alone.

"Skyfall" is pacing far ahead of the last two Bond films in most markets, and in a few cases has scored the biggest opening of the year. The film's success has helped push Sony PicturesInternational to their best year ever with revenues of $2.16 billion.

Outside the U.S., the two previous films earned about $420 million each. In 2008, "Quantum of Solace" was nearly as big a hit as 'The Dark Knight' and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and earned a lot more than either "Iron Man" or "Twilight".

Reviews for the film have been excellent from everyone  On sites Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic, the film is tracking a few points ahead of "Casino Royale" at the moment and is easily one of the best films of the year. For Rotten Tomatoes' average rating-- the film is presently scoring 8.4/10 which is the second highest score for the year behind Ben Affleck's award season contender hopeful Argo .

On Metacritic it's currently sitting at 85/100 and 14th for the year behind "Life Of Pi" with 88/100,

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