
Monday, May 06, 2013

Feige On Marvel's "Phase 3"

Speaking with Entertainment Weekly Marvel honcho Kevin Feige talked about two projects that are part of the company's phase three plans.


First up, the long-discussed "Doctor Strange" movie in which Feige says:

"Within the next year or so we'll really start the advanced planning on post -"The Avengers 2" and I would love Strange to be a part of that. There's a whole supernatural/magic dimension going on in Marvel comics that we haven't ever touched on."

He spoke about a potential "Hulk" solo film and once again denied reports of a possible film based on the "Planet Hulk" storyline from the comics:

"There's no script in the works or anything, but we are talking about it. All the Hulk energy right now is on Avengers 2, but Mark Ruffalo is signed up [for more films]. What we're excited about exploring and expanding is Mark - and Bruce Banner is not in Planet Hulk at all. The fun of Hulk is his interaction with humans."

Finally the question of a "Iron Man 4" came up. and Feige says he intends for the character to continue on the big screen, whether Robert Downey Jr. returns or not:

"I believe there will be a fourth 'Iron Man' film and a fifth and a sixth and a 10th and a 20th. I see no reason why Tony Stark can't be as evergreen as James Bond. Or Batman, for that matter. Or Spider-Man"

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