
Monday, June 24, 2013

di Bonaventura On "Asteroids" Flick

Out on the stump for next month's "Red 2," producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura talked about  that proposed film based on the classic arcade game "Asteroids".

The film would follow two estranged brothers who are forced to team up to save Earth from invading aliens.

In a video interview for Screen Rant, di Bonaventura reveals a few more deets about the film:

"Really, Asteroids is the one we’re spending our time on now. The truth is, I love the title… when I look at that project, that’s what I think about it, is I think about the scale of it and I think about the possibility of it. It’s not a disaster movie. If we’re successful at getting it made. It’s much more of a space opera. It’s like a great sci-fi movie if we get it done right. It is not at all what people think it is. People think, ‘Oh, the asteroid’s gonna hit the earth,’ and I have no interest in doing that. That’s been done exceedingly well before. No, this takes place in an asteroid belt, the whole movie."

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