
Monday, June 24, 2013

Mangold Talks The Wolverine & X-Men Sequel

"The Wolverine" director James Mangold told SFX that he and "X-Men: Days of Future Past" director Bryan Singer have been in contact to make sure the two films can co-exist without screwing up continuity.


"Bryan and I have talked and he’s seen what we’ve done. Clearly the reality is that we are all trying to work together and make things groove together. But the trick is we were making our movie before Bryan came on and before I knew what they were up to in that film. Our agenda was always our agenda and our movie stands alone, so the journey we take Logan on in The Wolverine, we bring to a close."

The Wolverine has a July 26th 2013 release date. Production is well underway on "X-Men: Days Of Future Past" which will hit screens on July 18th 2014.

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