
Monday, August 26, 2013

Damon & Greengrass Come Back To Bourne?

Universal is rolling the dice big with its Bourne film franchise according to Twitch.

A few weeks ago we heard that Anthony Peckham ("Sherlock Holmes," "Invictus") was hired to write the script for a sequel that would continue the story of the Aaron Cross character introduced in 2012's "The Bourne Legacy" and played by Jeremy Renner.

Now, Twitch reports that the studio is "in simultaneous negotiations with both Matt Damon and director Paul Greengrass for both to return."

Damon has made it clear that he is only interested in returning if Greengrass is directing the film.

Either way, the plan is to "continue with the Aaron Cross stream of Bourne films regardless of what happens on the Damon front, with potential crossover of the character's stories to be sorted out if and when Damon signs back up."

Ben Smith and Jeffrey M. Weiner. will produce the next film.

I watched "Legacy" recently and thought Renner did a better job than Damon which echoes the way I felt about Andrew Garfield taking over as Spider-Man after Tobey Maguire had the role in Sam Raimi's  Spider-Man Trilogy. As far as I am concerned Damon not doing Bourne would be good news

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