
Monday, November 18, 2013

Christian Bale Talks Batkid, Bat-fleck, And That Voice

Making the promo rounds for the December 6th film "Out Of The Furnace" actor Christian Bale spoke with MTV News about Ben Affleck playing Bruce Wayne/Batman in Zack Snyder's upcoming Superman/Batman team-up Man of Steel Sequel.

First though, he spoke about the feel good Batkid story:

"I just think it's great. It's a great day for the little guy. I just think Make-A-Wish and San Francisco did such an amazing thing to organize that. You just think of the delight in that little fella's heart, running around doing that. Then also, as someone who played Batman, it's great to see that the symbol of Batman is so much bigger than any one person, than any film, than any comic book, any TV series, that's really what it's all about. It's irrelevant which actor is playing it, we're irrelevant in that sense. But for little Miles to have such a great day, is delightful."

The former Batman trilogy star was if he had any advice for Affleck about playing Bats, Bale said:

"I wish him all the best. He's a very experienced actor and filmmaker and he'll make it his own. Our thing's finished, we've always declared it's finished and it should be passed on to another actor and it will be again after him. The only thing I said to him is just make sure you can take a piss without anyone having to help him. Because it's a little humiliating, at least what I went through, when you have to have someone help you out of the costume. That was my main piece of advice for him."

Bale also talked about the leaked "Batman Begins" audition footage from a few months and and the infamous gravelly sounding voice he used in the films:

"I got there. They put me in Val Kilmer's suit. It didn't even fit properly, and I stood in it and I went 'I feel like an idiot.' What kind of guy walks around, dressed like a bat? And is then going to go 'Hello, how are you? Just ignore that I'm dressed as a bat.' Of course, he's meant to be doing this. If you look at the history of the guy and the pain that he went through. I went 'I can't do this in a normal voice. I have to become a beast in order to sell this to myself. I went home that evening, and my wife said, 'How'd it go?' I went, 'I kind of did this.' And I showed her, and she went, 'Oh, you f---ed that one up, didn't you?' Thank God they went for it. [The voice] ain't for everybody. Ben's obviously going to have to do his own thing, but it was the only way that I could find how to get into that and to justify wearing the fricking Batsuit. Otherwise, he's just loopy beyond belief. He's loopy, but he's loopy with a method to his madness."

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