Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Neville Diony Wants YOU To Tagline His Film "Bedevil"

Hey folks,

Filmmaker Neville Diony is holding a special contest in conjunction with his latest effort Bedevil and asked if I wouldn't mind passing along the details... I agreed...

Tagline Bedevil Film And Win "A Brand New Tablet" Contest! 

You are to tagline the film and the best voted tagline with the most likes wins the price. How does it work? You have to watch the film and based on the context of the storyline, come up with YOUR OWN tagline (Ours is "Somethings will happen that never happened"). Go to Bedevil page on Facebook and post your tagline. Or you can use this link to enter to win a free TABLET:


Now to win, you have to get AT LEAST 100 people (Friends, strangers, family, don't matter) to like your tagline and whatever life lesson you share from watching the film (Be creative).

Obviously these people may have to comment on your tagline as to why it should win, as it should relate to the movie, which means they have to watch the movie to see if your tagline fits and why it should be the best tagline for the film.

The person with the best tagline wins a BRAND NEW TABLET, gets their tagline on the official DVD poster, and a copy of BEDEVIL DVD with director, cast, and crew autograph.

You are responsible for the likes on your tagline, which means you have to find a way to get as many likes as possible in order to win. First to a 100 likes DOES NOT give you automatic win, but it is the minimum to be considered.

The closing for "Likes" count is  January 31st. After which the winner will be announced and notified, and gifts will be shipped to whatever country address they provide. This contest is not limited to any country. Anyone in the world is eligible to enter and win. Good Luck!!

I must offer the following DISCLAIMER:

The Last Reel is in no way associated with Bedevil the film, or, the following promotion in way. The blog and its author are therefore NOT RESPONSIBLE for choosing the Winner. Any and all inquiries about said contest should be directed to those parties holding said promotion using the links above.

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