Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Paranormal Activity Franchise Has An Endgame

Last weekend's debut of Latino-infused spin-off  flick "Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones" was a change of direction for the micro budget supernatural film series.

While the story is separate from the main action of the straightforward sequels, the film included events near the end that affect the overall mythology of the series.

Now, 'Marked Ones' writer/director Christopher Landon tells Slashfilm that he, director/producer Oren Peli, producer Jason Blum and various others involved in the franchise have settled on an "ultimate ending" for the series--but adds that the final act is still a few movies away.

Landon calls 'Marked Ones' part of a bigger piece of the mythology and that it's trying to "tee up" things that are coming, especially in Paranormal Activity 5:

"We've always been looking ahead. I'll say this much. There is a very specific end goal and I'm hoping we have enough time in the franchise to get there. We have a really big idea that's at the finish line but we need time to get there. So we're hoping the fans keep coming back and allow us to get them there."

Landon said hints of that ultimate ending are laid down in the first  Paranormal Activity, but it wasn't until they started making Paranormal Activity 2 that the "crazy ideas" started to be discussed.

Once they got to Paranormal Activity 4 things got muddled--'Marked' tries to get things back on track.

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