
Thursday, June 05, 2014

Fast And Furious Films: Cody Walker Doing More Sequels?

The British tabby The Daily Mail suggests that Cody Walker, younger brother of Paul Walker, could be playing a younger brother character of the Paul's Brian O'Conner character in any further installments of the Fast and the Furious film franchise.

Cody On "Fast 7" Set
Brothers Caleb Walker and Cody are on hand to help finish James Wan's Fast & Furious 7 following the tragic Nov. 30 2013 car-crash death of their sibling and star Paul. Officially it's still unknown as to what their roles are, though it's thought they'll be working as body doubles for their late brother for his remaining scenes.

Fast 7 currently has an April 10th 2015 release date.

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