
Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Russo Boys Talk "Captain America 3"

"Captain America 3" co-director Joe Russo was recently asked by what elements from Marvel's "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" will be returning for the upcoming sequel:

"Certainly Captain America will be back. The expectation would be that Bucky will be back and there's certain characters in the Marvel Universe that Cap has a strong connection to but we've also got some tricks up our sleeve for this one an we're hard at work. That's a very crowded summer and there's high expectations so we're all hard at work trying to exceed those expectations and really carve out a big, splashy idea for Captain America 3."

Cinema Blend asked Russo if there are other members of The Avengers he would like to include similar to the way  Black Widow, (Scarlett Johansson) was utilized in "Winter Soldier".

Russo confirmed they've already got someone set, but adds that they'd love to crossover with characters outside of the Marvel Studios fold:

"That's such a hard question because we've kind of already done that. Do they have to be under contract with Marvel? Maybe they are at another studio. When I started collecting, The Secret Wars was one of the first books I ever bought, so that's always been an obsession of mine to see something of that scale done - a crossover. I don't know if that would ever be possible, with all the different situations at the studios. But I would love to see a lot of characters on screen together."

He was also asked to comment on the release date showdown for May 6th 2016 between "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" and "Captain America 3"

The DOJ release was delayed a full 10 months for a number of reasons. As a result, the original release date of July 17th 2015 was no longer. The studio then targeted a May 6th 2016 release. They quickly inserted the fantasy Pan into that original slot....Nobody thought that the comic book pics would ultimately share the date--Sure enough DOJ blinked--and will now open on March 25th 2016.

While fanboys loved to speculate what the outcome was gonna be Russo was gracious:

"We knew when they announced that it was somewhat of a placeholder, that it was a game of chicken to see if Marvel really had a film that was going to land on that date or not. We knew it was never going to happen. We knew those two films would never stay on that date. So we knew somebody was going to move."

Meanwhile, Joe's brother and fellow co-director Anthony Russo answered a few questions about the Cap 3. He tells

"I can't divulge who is going to be in the film, but I think fans are going to freak out when they hear about it. We wanted to push the character forward into the modern age with The Winter Soldier, and we want to keep pushing the character forward. We always want to be true to who Captain America is, but we want to surprise people about where he can go and what he's capable of. That's about as specific as I can get about where we might take him."

Anthony confirms a new draft has just come in from writers  Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely and it included the character of the Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan) will play a part:

"The relationship between Cap and the Winter Soldier was never resolved at the end of the last movie. Thinking about where that relationship can go is a piece of the puzzle for us for sure. That character is a wonderfully, beautifully tragic figure in the sense of is he the world's most feared assassin or is he the world's longest serving POW. Is he innocent by reason of insanity or the equivalent of it because he's been mind controlled or is he irredeemable? Is he ever going to be acceptable to Cap again as the friend that he used to be before he was the Winter Soldier? These are very philosophical, emotional questions that pique our interest and definitely form one layer of the next movie."

Russo also talked to MTV News and was asked if the next film will essentially provide a sense of closure for Steve Rogers and actor Chris Evans. He says:

"I will say this: yes, for satisfying storytelling, you want a beginning, middle and end. That's the natural arc that we all thrive off of in narrative. The great thing about the [Marvel Cinematic Universe], just like the publishing, it's a very vast, inter-connected universe, where characters will have their rise and fall, so to speak, and hand off to other characters. As the cinematic universe moves forward, you may start to see the cinematic universe adopt that same pattern."

Speaking with Collider, we are told that the threequel's subtitle will be revealed shortly:

"It will be soon. Look, sometimes the announcement waits on certain business deals to be completed so we're just kind of waiting on the business end of the issue to sort of settle itself and we'll be ready to announce it.  But we're hoping in a month or so at the most."

Joe Russo adds to Cinema Blend that: "I think when people learn the title of Cap 3, they'll understand that Marvel is continuing to take really big swings" indicating it could well take its name from a famed Captain America comic book arc. The success of "Guardians of the Galaxy" is also allowing them as writers to "take more chances, we can be riskier."

Asked if Frank Grillo would return  as S.H.I.E.L.D; operative Brock Rumlow will return--In the comics the character becomes the villain Crossbones.

Joe says: "I mean, listen, we didn't - he's not alive at the end of Winter Solider for no reason, so let's just say that.  But, you know, strict Marvel policy of nondisclosure."

Production on the next film is slated to begin in April in Atlanta, Georgia.

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