
Thursday, September 25, 2014

X-Men Films: Continuity And "The Rogue Cut" Of DOFP

Since the time-traveling events of "X-Men: Days of Future Past" re-wrote almost the entire original "X-Men" film series., does anything that happened in those earlier movies still count? The answer is... sort of.

In a recent fan Q&A event for Yahoo! Movies ahead of DOFP  home video release on October 14th , producer and writer Simon Kinberg explains:

"We certainly re-write some of the history of [X-Men: The Last Stand] and [X-Men Origins: Wolverine]. One of the things we talk about in 'Days of Future Past' is that you can change the future, it's like a stream that moves in one direction - you can create a new ripple in it, but you certainly don't change the current. What we did in Days of Future Past changed some things, but like you see of the film, they end up back in the mansion in the future, so most of the current continued in the same direction, so most of the things you see in [the earlier films] still happened but with slight adjustments."

Kinberg also says he's the one to blame for the subplot about Anna Paquin's Rogue getting cut.
"In a movie that had a ton of plots and a ton of characters to service, the Rogue plot - as you will probably eventually see - was a subplot, it was a deviation from the main story of the movie, and as much as we loved it when we saw it, anything that took you away from the main spine, the main story of the film, we had to cut… If it's anybody's fault, it was mine, because I shouldn't have written it that way, I should've integrated her into the main story."

Fox is set to release "X-Men: Days of Future Past - The Rogue Cut" next Summer.

Kinberg confirms that, Bryan Singer's "X-Men: Apocalypse" follows the younger actors introduced in "X-Men: First Class" James McAvoy (Professor X), Michael Fassbender (Magneto) Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique), and Nicholas Hoult (Beast). Lucas Till (Alex “Havoc” Summers).

Asked if some of the previous trilogy characters would have the be re-cast with younger versions for the 1980s-set film:

"If we included some of the original X-Men, like Storm, Jean, Scott, and others, yeah we would have to recast them, because Apocalypse takes place a good twenty years before 'X1' which now insanely was fifteen years ago. It would be very hard to do."

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