
Monday, January 26, 2015

"The Avengers: Age of Ultron" Goodies

The latest issue of Empire Magazine boasts a fresh peek at Joss Whedon's superhero team up sequel "The Avengers: Age of Ultron"--including new photos from the film.

Whedon tells the magazine that he's taking a break from the Marvel Cinematic Universe after 'Ultron' is done and dusted. So, don't expect him to be back for "Avengers: Infinity War":

"I couldn't imagine doing this again. It's enormously hard, and it be, by then, a good five years since I created anything that was completely my own. So it's very doubtful that I would take on the two-part Infinity War movie that would eat up the next four years of my life. I obviously still want to be a part of the Marvel Universe - I love these guys - but it ain't easy. This year has been more like running three shows than any year of my life. It is bonkers."

The sequel DOES NOT follow the Age of Ultron comics storyline--in which the big bad Ultron was created by Hank Pym who becomes Ant-Man. James Spader will both voice Ultron, and he'll have to do some kind of motion-capture as well--This news puts to rest the most popular theory suggesting that Tony Stark's (Robert Downey Jr,) robot butler J.A.R.V.I.S. (voiced by Paul Bettany) operating system from the Iron Man Films would turn into the villain.

Marvel vets RDJ, Chris Evans Chris Hemsworth Scarlett Johansson Samuel L. Jackson Jeremy Renner Mark Ruffalo, Clark Gregg and Cobie Smulders are all back Two time Iron Man co-star Don Cheadle is involved this time out according to USA Today. Bettany will appear on screen as The Vision an android created by Ultron as a weapon to be used against the Avengers. Vision can fire beams of radiation and turn invisible--the character ultimately turned the tables on Ultron and became an Avengers member himself.

TV's Hulk Lou Ferrigno has confirmed that he'll return to do the voice of the big guy in the sequel. Ferrigno has said four words as the character so far - "Hulk Smash" in 2008's "The Incredible Hulk" and "Puny God" in "The Avengers".

Thomas Kretschmann has landed the role of 2nd bad guy Baron von Strucker. In the comics, the seemingly immortal Strucker is one of the leaders of Hydra, and an enemy of both S.H.I.E.L.D and The Avengers He seemingly beat out rumored candidates Marton Csokas and Dougray Scott who were being considered for the BvS role. The character will have Wanda Maximoff, a.k.a. Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) and her twin brother Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) apparently working for him in the sequel (American Horror Story favorite Evan Peters plays a different incarnation of the speedy superhero in Bryan Singer's "X-Men: Days of Future Past"--in a very cool sequence in the film). Korean actress  will play a bad gal role.

Two big unanswered questions from the second trailer for "Ultron" has been who is that mysterious woman taking off that robe in the cave, and What is Andy Serkis' mystery character.

The site Schmoes Know claim to have the answer to both....

In regards to the mysterious woman, it appears she could be Mantis. If true, it would setup a link between Marvel's Avengers and its cosmic characters as in the comics she has strong ties to Vision, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Thanos (Josh Brolin) and the Guardians of the Galaxy

In regard to Serkis' character they say it is that of Ulysses Klaw- a character who will be much more  important in the "Black Panther" solo flick.

 Just days ago sources told the site that while Serkis is playing Klaw in the film, his character is an amalgamation of both Klaw and his father Colonel Fritz Klaue from the comics.

At the time they said: "Fritz could possibly have a small appearance in the film or a passing reference, but most of his attributes will be given to Serkis' Klaw."

In the comics, Fritz Klaue is connected to Baron Von Strucker.

 Schmoesknow states today that they can now confirm that Serkis will indeed be playing Ulysses Klaw in the film.

Finally, Bettany talked about the film and says that it is the most ambitious project Marvel has attempted yet. He tells The Radio Times:

"I've never been on a bigger set on my entire life than in The Avengers [Age of Ultron]. One part seemed to be the corner of a town, with helicopter cameras, and drone cameras flying about. I just haven't seen anything that big, so it was like being a kid on a film set again...This is the biggest thing Marvel have ever done. It was enormous."

Radar Online has an unidentified source that claims that RDJ was campaigning to get his pals Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster a role in the movie.

 Latino Review has posted what appears to be details about the film's opening 15-20 minutes (SPOILERS).

Post-production on the 'Avengers 2' continues to meet a release date of May 1, 2015

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