
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Before I Go...

Hey kids...

I thought writing this final post would be a piece of cake once I announced that I am bringing the blog to a close. Indeed it is the exact opposite...And it's all your fault.

Your loyal readership over the past 9 years and 9 months has been nothing short of amazing. There are a lot movie sites on the Net where you could go--The fact that you came here...and then stayed here is incredibly gratifying. In that sense I see TLR as nothing but a success.


This is not a decision I made lightly believe me. The injury to my right hand played into the move--My protracted condition means that my ability to do right by you my loyal readers--has been nixed.  Therefore even as I explore all of my options going forward I can't do the blog justice-having always maintained that  if I couldn't satisfy my perfectionism it would be time to pull the plug. My original thought was to stick around long enough to mark the 50th anniversary of Star Trek but the film gods had other plans......The good news is that the blog will live on through Twitter You can follow me @TheLastReel. I am hoping that we will be able to interact there before too long...

In the absence of TLR please visit my good friend Brittani Burnham at Rambling Film---you will have fun.

I credit Richard Donner's Superman--The Movie with a lot...and say goodbye with this....

This blog is lovingly dedicated to the memory of my Mom, my niece Kayla and my lovely "B" I miss you every day...and I love you...

Live life Happy and all the best.



  1. Best of luck in your new endeavors and I look forward to following you on Twitter!

  2. I'm going to miss this blog! :( I used it as one of the primary sources for movie news because you talked about ones I liked, and I didn't have to weed through the rest. I'm sorry your injury played into it, but I'm glad you're going to continue on Twitter. Good luck in everything else, I'm happy we'll still be able to keep in touch.

    And thanks for the link, though my blog pales in comparison to yours, lets be honest. LOL


  3. My mom always says, "never say goodbye, just see you later. So... :) Looking forward to whatever you put together next! See you on twitter! :)
