
Saturday, May 03, 2008

Dark Claws

Hugh Jackman talked to MTV News about next year's X-Men Origins: Wolverine-which is currently in production:

"Tonally, I would put it more in the Batman Begins sort of realm. That's sort of where we're headed".

"We are dealing with a character who is probably one of the darker comic book characters ever created. The movie has a lot of fun elements, but there are layers of pain and darkness to this character" he adds.

As to the question of sequels...Surprisingly Jackman said:

"I really wanted to do this spin-off movie, because I felt we hadn't truly found who this character was. Right now. I feel like I could do another ten or eleven."

I for one am glad to hear that Jackman is still enthused about playing the character after doing 4 films...I would have thought fatigue would have started to set in since he Wolverine was always given plenty to do in the X-Men film series.

The film lands in theaters on May 9th 2009

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