Thursday, September 03, 2009

Nick Goes After New Line

Director Nick Cassavetes is suing New Line Cinema for fraud and breach of contract after he was fired from directing the elephant orphanage drama "Peaceable Kingdom".

'Kingdom' is based on the life and work of Daphne Sheldrick, who devoted her life to preventing elephant extinction by endeavoring to save baby elephants left orphaned by war, poaching and culling.

Initially attached in March, Cassavetes alleges he was paid $275,000 to supervise script development and several million dollars more to direct the film.

New Line chief Toby Emmerich then asked for a full re-write of the script which Cassavetes did for no additional charge due to the promise of directing (a full one-page re-write Cassavetes would normally charge at least $750,000).

Once the script was done and turned in to Emmerich's satisfaction however, Emmerich allegedly informed Cassavetes he was off the project.

Cassavetes' suit alleges he was never paid for a rewrite of Jeff Stockwell ("Bridge to Terabithia")''s script for the film. He's also seeking damages for other work he claims to have passed on while working on "Kingdom."

Cassavetes helmed The Notebook and My Sister's Keeper for the studio.

Stay Tuned...

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