Friday, September 04, 2009

"There's No Crying [Over] Baseball"

"There have been a couple of times in my career where I’ve been unceremoniously removed from projects. I don’t waste a lot of energy on it. It doesn’t get you anywhere" Steven Soderbergh told The Orlando Sentinel over the Moneyball dismissal.

Adding "Well, apparently I can.t be trusted with a sports film."

Instead of looking back though-"I have a couple of other things in development that I had hoped to move up, but actor’s schedules wouldn’t allow it. But I have something I can get to after the first of the year, and I’m supposed to do my Liberace movie next summer."

Michael Douglas and Matt Damon star in the Liberace film. Richard LaGravenese pens the script as "we’re right in the middle of acquiring the money to make it... I’m confident we can get it together. We just may have to do it for a REAL price."

He also says that he's still wants to his Cleo musical with Catherine Zeta Jones in the title role...calling the film 'a total party'

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