
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Super After Shocks

Word of a shortlist of directors for the reboot Superman: Man of Steel caused quite a bit of reverb

Lister Matt Reeves told JoBlo he was surprised as anyone to hear the rumor that he's a candidate, saying "I really have no idea if any of that is true."

Then came word by way of The L.A. Times that Darren Aronofsky had been added to the roster. Soon after Moviehole added to the report saying Aronofsky has been in talks about the project for a while and the studio is keen on his "Black Swan" star Natalie Portman to play Lois Lane.--Seems like a cool casting notion to me...

Today Heat Vision said that it heard talk that actor-turned-filmmaker Ben Affleck, (who played TV's first Supes George Reeves  in Hollywoodland) coming off the critical and box-office success of The Town met on the project last week about  helming the pic but turned down the job

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