
Monday, May 16, 2011

“The Tree of Life” Plays to – Shocker – Mixed Response

The Cannes Film Festival kicked off last week and has served as the launching pad for buzzed-about titles like The Artist, Sleeping Beauty, and We Need to Talk About Kevin, but Terrence Malick’s long-awaited drama The Tree of Life has obviously been “the talk of the fest”, despite the fact that it had yet to even premiere.

Well, now that’s changed. At 8:30 this morning, the film bowed at the Lumiere Theatre. As the film ended, one in the auditorium could hear jeers and applause at the same time as reported by The Hollywood Reporter.

Of course, when a film conjures up this much anticipation before it’s even been witnessed, you’re bound to have passionate individuals on both sides of the love-it/hate-it divide.

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