
Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Case For Superman Returns...

It's no secret that Bryan Singer's Superman Returns divided the fan base of the superhero movie genre...

I gave the film a pretty positive review at the time--latching onto its reverence to Richard Donner's Superman The Movie--A film that inspired me at the age of 10--As time has marched on I have grown to realize that making a "Sequel" to Donner's work hurts SR more than it helps. That said I still think certain things hold up; Brandon Routh in general--the Shuttle Rescue etc....

A 2-part video essay Deep Focus: Superman Returns was inspired by Angel of America--a review Matt Zoller Seitz wrote for New York Press in 2006 at the time of the film's release.

The video essay compares SR movie to the original Christopher Reeve era of movies, embracing that connection and making the case for Superman Returns as a neglected gem of the superhero movie genre.

My overall opinion of SR wasn't really swayed here but the case is compelling enough to understand his logic...

It's on to Zack Snyder's still filming big budget reboot Superman: Man of Steel as his his next cinematic chapter is written...MOS flies into theaters June 14th 2013.

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