
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Landis Talks About His Aborted "Chronicle 2" Script

As previously reported--original "Chronicle" writer Max Landis is no longer involved with the sequel.

Landis said back in April of this year that he'd written a draft for "Chronicle 2", and that Fox liked it but warned that the dark tone would be an issue. 

Landis took to Twitter to talk about what direction he had intended to go with the sequel:

"Gone was the aspirational "what would you do," gone were the pranks and bromance, gone were lovely tragic Andrew (Dane DeHaan) and hopeful, bright Steve (Michael B. Jordan). In their place was a dark, frustratingly unblinking stare into a complicated world that posed the question is it worth it to be a hero, told from the point of view of a heartbroken and insane woman who would martyr herself to the cause of being the world's first villain. It was, in my estimation, a sequel that elaborated on the ideas and situations from the first to create a different genre of movie. In the best of worlds, in my optimistic but wildly prejudiced eyes, this could make it an Aliens, a Terminator the worst a Grease 2. So at the end of the day, maybe it's better that Martyr never saw the light of day. Sad I didn't get to do some of my other versions. The multi-movie low budget Chronicle-based found footage superhero universe culminating in an Avengers type team up was a real good one. The most frustrating thing is that I don't know if I'll get the opportunity to explain what MOGO was or what he was doing in that cave. Martyr also had two pretty cool robot suits in it. Sorta hyper realistic iron man stuff. Magnetic flight, sonic weaponry. Cool, cool stuff."

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