
Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Few Marvel Movie Updates

Marvel film chief Kevin Feige was in London this week stumping for "Guardians of the Galaxy" and was asked for updates about their future film slate.

Here is a breakdown of what he said....


Rumors that Legendary Pictures and Universal Pictures developing a big screen adaptation of the character aren't true because those studios only partially own the rights. Feige tells IGN that there are no plans for Marvel to move forward with a film either until the legalities are sorted out:

"Let's put it this way - there are entanglements that make it less easy. There are older contracts that still involve other parties that mean we need to work things out before we move forward on it. As opposed to an Iron Man or any of the Avengers or any of the other Marvel characters where we could just put them in."


He was asked by The Guardian to elaborate on the the departure of director Edgar Wright. Feige says a combination of personality issues and Wright's vision falling out-of-sync with their Cinematic Universe led to the split, but it wasn't as nasty as the media made out:

"We sat round a table and we realized it was not working. A part of me wishes we could have figured that out in the eight years we were working on it. But better for us and for Edgar that we figure it out then, and not move it through production. We said 'let's do this together and put out a statement.' What do we say? 'Creative differences'. I said: 'That's what they always say and no-one ever believes it.' Edgar said: 'But in this case it's true'" The Marvel movies are very collaborative, and I think they are more collaborative than what he had been used to. And I totally respect that. [But] the notion that Marvel was scared, the vision was too good, too far out for Marvel is not true. And I don't want to talk too much about that because I think our movies speak to that. The biggest disappointment for me is just the relationship, because I like Edgar very, very much and we were very close for many many years. But the perception that the big evil studio was too scared at the outside-the-box creative vision is just not the case."

Doctor Strange:

Empire asked if the choice of Scott Derrickson, a director best known for horror, is an indication of the tone of the upcoming film.

Feige says: "I would say you can certainly look at the past work of the filmmakers we hire as a bit of an indication for the tone of the movie, but not necessary everything. The Russos, who are well known for their sitcoms, there is nothing sitcom about The Winter Soldier. No, I wouldn’t say just because he has only done horror movies means that Doctor Strange is going to be a horror movie. It means he is a talented filmmaker who we think could add something unique and very fresh to the particular franchise. But there could be scary moments. There are scary moments in all our movies! There are some scary people that Strange has to deal with, I will say."

Feige was asked a if the teams from Guardians of the Galaxy/Avengers would ever meet up on screen?

"Part of the fun of the comics is that could happen. Any character could interact with any other character because they inhabit the same time period and the same universe. And certainly it is the inclusion of Thanos most specifically that is a declaration to audiences who are paying attention that this is connected to those other universes. Part of the fun is that it could happen someday. I don't know when that would be. Or maybe I know and I'm not going to tell you!"

Captain America 3:

He was asked about "Cap 3" taking on rival DC Entertainment 's upcoming team-up film called "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" on the same date--.May 6th 2016--Feige says they are sticking to the date:

"We are doing what we’ve always done, which is sticking to our plan and sticking to our vision for the movies going forward and we have a very large vision that we’re working on for Cap 3 and for all the threes movies and just because another movie plops down onto one of ours doesn’t mean we are going to alter that. Maybe we should, but we’re not going to."

Finally, ahead of Marvel's panel at San Diego Comic-Con next week --the studio announced plans to release 5 films through 2019.

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