Friday, May 02, 2008

Pumping Iron

As you already know, "Iron Man"opened today, and with weekend box office estimates anywhere between $70-110 million at the U.S. box-office... plans for a sequel are being put into motion.

The studio big wigs tell the folks at Entertainment Tonight that they will green light a sequel for as early May 2010...

The IESB says that Robert Downey Jr.'s personal trainer for the film is to start training with Downey again and will have him "ready to wear the suit again in just 5 months".

Unfortunately, I will not be able to see the tin man in action before next week--I will keep you informed of my plans...

Even as you consider that news:

President of production at Marvel Kevin Feige said in an interview recently--"We're not going to risk our characters by rushing them... two or three years is the proper time between movies."

I would agree with that statement about "rushing" but waiting too long could also be damaging--by killing the buzz

It's expected that details of the next franchise that Marvel plans to kick off with will be announced on Monday.

"X-Men Origins: Wolverine", currently filming in Sydney, is Marvel's sole release next year...

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