Monday, March 02, 2009

Navigating A Minefield

J.J. Abrams went to WonderCon 2009 to show off a spiffy new Star Trek trailer...(Pics of Abrams at the panel are up at AICN along with a description of said trailer..It should be online in about a week or sooner. I'll post it ASAP.)

He promised Trek fans in attendance--"I can assure you, we are making this movie for you,"

Abrams was also asked about the progress of a "Cloverfield" sequel.

Via Coming Soon:

"We're actually working on an idea right now.... We have an idea that we thought was pretty cool that we're playing with, which means there will be something that's connected to 'Cloverfield,' but I hope it happens sooner than later because the idea is pretty sweet."

Abrams took the stage in a t-shirt related to director James Cameron's upcoming top-secret Avatar project which turned out to be "an exploded parts schematic of the Power Suits worn by the characters in the film".

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