Monday, December 07, 2009

Jacked Up

Coming Soon caught up with Producer Mace Neufeld out doing promotions for Invictis--He was asked about the gestating second attempt to reboot the Jack Ryan film franchise.

Neufeld confirmed that the film will use Hossein Amini's original screenplay (that Adam Koxac polished) and not be based on author/creator Tom Clancy's work.

While it will use the model of a younger actor in the role (Chris Pine is the frontrunner) like 2002's "The Sum of All Fears", Neufeld is adamant though that it won't lose the deductive scenes in favour of dumbed-down action.

"We pick him up when he's on Wall Street ...[but] the Jack Ryan movies have never been action films. They're kind of 'thinking man's thrillers.' Jack is referred to as a 'water-walker' because of his ability to jump ahead to conclusions. That's very big in all the Jack Ryan films and that's how we want to portray him. He's a teacher. He's a historian. He's a linguist, and he's really smart"

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