Thursday, December 03, 2009

Riddick Ready?

Actor Vin Diesel says via his Facebook page "the Riddick team is in New Zealand location scouting already... that's exciting..."

David Twohy has finished the script for the third film featuring the character.

Diesel first played the sliver-eyed anti-hero Riddick in the well-received cult hit "Pitch Black " in 2000. Four years later he reprised the role in 2004's generally panned big-budget flop "The Chronicles of Riddick.

Diesel has also voiced the character in the animated short The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury and the video games The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay and this year's The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

Back in August Twohy said that he'd sketched out two possible ideas for continuing the films and was working to get the third film in front of the cameras in 2010.

"At the studio level, it would have to be a PG-13 movie again and we don't want to do that again," he explained to Bloody D.

"We want an R, so we are looking at the possibility of setting it up as an independent movie and selling it territory by territory and thereby keeping an ownership stake in the movie. But we're trying to see what that would yield in this unsafe market".

Regardless how far the team takes this on their own--They have a long way to go to get rid of the stink left by Chronicles '04.

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